I like to MOVE IT MOVE IT!!!
It's a catchy song. It grabs the attention of kids of all ages, and sticks in the brains of us parents. With the words smack dab on the front of the poster, you'd think you'd hear that beloved song a little more, but unfortunately, you don't.
That is not to say that this movie disappoints. It isn't as good as the first, but rarely a sequel stands up to the mastery of the original. You do, however, see a little more personality of the monkeys, and more crazy penguin antics, which are always fun.
I love those penguins.

There are several good things about this movie; there are a lot of laughs that can be had, a few lessons to be learned, and even a few touching moments. It's good for all ages; even parents will enjoy it.
You learn the origins of Alex, the lion, and how he came to New York. You meet his parents and a huge hippo named Moto Moto. Melmen becomes a medicine man.
It is very much worth the watch. I give this movie four stars: 

Check it out on the IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0479952/ .
And until next time, happy movie watching. :)