The beginning of this movie makes you think it will be a goodie; you see two women on a park bench going about their business, all of a sudden one gets somewhat confused. Next thing you know she's pulling a pin out of her hair and stabbing herself in the neck. Interesting.
Cut to a construction scene where guys are falling out of the sky. Interesting again....
Yet as interesting as the opening scenes were, unfortunately the movie never really delivers. The characters are so generic they are boring, even though the celebrity cast did as well as they could with the parts they were given.
This story could've been so much more, if given the right.... I don't know... Direction. Sorry, M. Night, but you really need to stick to writing and let someone else direct your stories. Maybe then the picture would've had more, ummmm, UMPH to it.... It definitely would've made for better viewing...
My advice: don't waste money on this movie at all. Time, maybe... But don't waste money. Wait for cable, or catch it online. If you want a synopsis of it, check it out on the IMDB here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0949731/ .
I give this movie 2 stars:

And I'll bet you were thinking I only reviewed things I liked... HA.
Until later on... Happy movie watching!
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