Meet Dave. Dave Ming Chang. Dave is our size. Dave is a spaceship.
This is one of the most disappointing movies I've seen put out by Eddie Murphy. There are some funny moments, but all and all I expected much more from this movie.
The basic plot of Dave: a bunch of teeny tiny aliens that look exactly like humans are riding around in a spaceship modeled after their captain. These aliens need to find an orb from their home planet, Nil, to save it, as well as bring home the salt from the ocean... Which would honestly kill the whole human race. The aliens fall in love with us huge beings... Who wouldn't? My question is this: where was the table salt when you needed it???
The only humor in the whole movie is really when the aliens think that, "welcome to Old Navy" is a generic greeting, and other things that only aliens would do, like pooping money or trying to fight a stuffed frog.
The shortage of laughs in this film is amazing. Given the power of the acting you expect so much more. This movie has so many bright, funny stars it should have been much more than it was; Eddie Murphy as the captain, Elizabeth Banks as Gina, the woman who met Dave by hitting him with her car, Gabrielle Union as number 3, and a myriad of other familiar faces...
I give Meet Dave 2 stars: 
because it could've been so much more...

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