So, have you seen Hellboy? It's actually a fantastical, comic book like movie about a demon baby, who was brought up from hell from Nazis and recruited by the "forces of good" to help fight the "forces of evil." The first movie has a lot of what you're looking for in a good "dark comic" movie; action, romance, and above all, colorful characters. The story was great, and the movie was fun to watch.
I was excited to see a sequel to Hellboy. The villains looked even more intriguing, and the new characters seemed to be interesting. All and all, the movie was good, but it lacked something the first movie had: a good, fulfilling ending.
Hellboy II seemed to end abruptly, making you thirst for more. You know by the ending that there will be another in this series, and I have a feeling it really won't measure up. Just a gut feeling, but I really think that it will pale in comparison to its two predecessor.
Hellboy II was, all in all, a good watch. Like most sequels, it wasn't as good as the first, but it was good. You got to be thrust into that comic book world again, and even got to know Hellboy's friends a little better. Actually, you got to see what it would be like to sit and have a few beers with them. 

I give Hellboy II: The Golden Army 4 stars: 

because when you watch it, you feel like you are in that world.

Check it out on the IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0411477/...
Until next time, dear readers, happy movie watching, popcorn eating, and Pepsi drinking!

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